[user@art.orbital.me.uk ~/dipolar/prints]$ motd

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello

NFTs numbered #1 through #16 (incl.) (dipolar #[1, 16]) are eligable for a signed 8x8'' print.

To claim:

  1. You must currently hold that NFT
  2. The NFT must have not been claimed before.
  3. Email orbita[at]orbital.me.uk to claim your piece.

This page will track which NFTs have been claimed to date.

Numbering is in hexidecimal

    Unclaimed: 00
    Claimed  : 00
    01  02  03  04
    05  06  07  08
    09  0a  0b  0c
    0d  0e  0f  10

N.B. Prints outside of this initial 16 may be offered depending on interest. If you are interested, please follow the above steps and I will get back to you.